A simple moose hide patch shows you are taking a stand against violence toward women and children.
Will you be wearing moose hide tomorrow?
Moose hide?
Yes. Moose hide.
Tomorrow is Moose Hide Campaign Day, a day for indigenous and non-indigenous men as well as women to stand up against violence towards women and children.
So many women are single moms because of violence—physical, verbal and emotional. They needed to end a relationship for their safety and the safety of their children.
And yet, because they have children with that man, often the violence continues through texts, emails, phone calls and ugly court battles.
The stories are heart-wrenching and the impact can be devastating. And it needs to STOP!
So tonight, talk to the men and boys in your life about this campaign. I’ll be talking to my 9-year-old son about it because it’s never too early to let them know what’s ok and what isn’t.
This is a Canadian initiative, but violence doesn’t stop at the border. Wherever you are in the world, Stand up. Speak out. End violence against women and children.
Learn more about the Moose Hide Campaign at https://moosehidecampaign.ca/.
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