Improve your riding along with every other area of your life.

Every mountain biker needs 4 things to improve their riding:
• Skills training
• Practice time
• Physical fitness training
• Mental fitness training
While the first 3 are common, most riders don’t know what mental fitness is or how to develop it.
Building mental fitness for mountain biking trains your brain to use your fear to become a better rider instead of letting fear hold you back.
And this training has the power to transform not just your riding, but your whole life—relationships, happiness and career.
Train your brain
to better respond
to fear and doubt
in seconds.
No matter what level of rider you are, developing your mental fitness to complement your physical fitness and skills will take your riding and your life to the next level.
Mental fitness helps you:
- sustainably improve your riding
- mentally reset after a fall
- let go of your “should haves”
- use your fear instead of being ruled by it
- improve your relationships—partner, friends, family, etc.
- feel happier
…and more!
The term mental fitness comes from Positive Intelligence® creator Shirzad Chamine’s research and work with:
- World–class athletes
- Hundreds of CEOs and their executive teams
- Stanford students
- 500,000 participants from 50 countries
In addition, Shirzad has drawn from the fields of Neuroscience, Cognitive Behavioural Psychology, Positive Psychology and Performance Science.
With simple daily practices, thousands of people have created lasting positive change in their lives.
Now it’s your turn.

When you take my 6-week mental fitness program, you will gain insights about what’s holding you back on the bike AND you’ll build powerful habits that will serve you for the rest of your life.
How it works

15 Minutes a Day
Just 15 minutes a day of app-guided practice helps you strenthen your mental muscles. Each practice is bite-sized so you’re never too busy to do it.
Measurable Progress
With instant feedback through the app, you’ll feel motivated to keep building the 3 core muscles of mental fitness.
Customized for YOU
Weekly videos lay the foundation for each new focus and the app delivers experiential practice that’s customized to you.
Community Support
With me as your coach either 1-1 or with five other participants, you will have the support you need to build your mental fitness over the 6 weeks.
Week 1: The Self-Command Muscle
Using a short practice called a PQ rep, you will exercise your self-command muscle to override the saboteur voices. Each rep takes just 10 seconds and helps you incrementally take greater control of your mind, quietting the negative and activating the positive region of your brain.
Weeks 2 & 3: Saboteur Interceptor Muscle
This segment of the program will help you catch your saboteurs in the act and stop them from hijacking your thoughts, feelings and actions. You will be able to see how your saboteurs lie to you and hold you back. When you strengthen this muscle, they lose their ability to trick you into thinking they are helpful.
Weeks 4 to 6: Sage Muscle
With the saboteurs in check, you can practice the positive sage muscle, which understands that every challenge can be turned into a gift and opportunity. You will learn how to use the 5 sage powers: empathize, explore, innovate, navigate and activate.
Imagine being able to harness the power of your inner wisdom to dramatically improve your confidence on the trail.
How much more fun could you and your bike have?
The next group starts January 20.
I’m a life coach and mountain bike coach who has been riding for over 25 years. My first mountain bike was a fully rigid Gary Fischer Pirhana that doubled as my commuter bike.
When I began teaching beginner clinics for women in my local club in the early 2000s, I was amazed at the transformation in my fellow riders. Becoming skilled mountain bikers built their confidence and made them see themselves differently than before.
Even then, I knew there was more to this sport than riding bikes in the forest. It’s a self-development program that brings joy, community, health, fitness and more!
After all this time, I’m still as passionate about the sport as I was when my wheels first hit dirt and I’m proud to call myself a mountain biker.

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